Look at yourself in the mirror and see what I see. You are beautiful. Love yourself, be yourself and accept who you are.
Is there something you don't like about yourself? I say do whatever it is you need to do to be who you want to be!
It sounds simple but being honest and authentic to ourselves can be one of the hardest things we have to consistently do. Once we open up to honesty about who we are and who we want to be we can then love the whole of our being and our beauty will radiate outwards to the rest of the world.
Let us stop being blinded by our own illusion of who we say we are. We need to be it! If you are saying 'I am a good friend', 'I am a loving partner' or even 'I am beautiful' then be it!
This topic will always fascinate me. The reason being is because along with the topic of ‘love’ loving who I am and being authentic has been an epic journey. As I am sure it has been for you. You are probably thinking 'my beautiful self as opposed to...?' yes as opposed to 'your not so beautiful self'! For me 'my not so beautiful self' is when I am moody, irritable, snappy, fussy and negative. Now do not get me wrong each of these things would be ok if experienced individually but when they are in what I would describe as a 'combo' then I would hope to not be in the company of others...yes it is not a pretty sight! I know that this side of me could push others away, make me feel awful and create a problem that didn't need to exist.
For you, your 'not so beautiful self' maybe something else. Think about what it could be and how this makes you feel.
Questions to think about
How does your 'not so beautiful self' serve your purpose in life?
How do you make rational decisions when you are at your lowest?
Now when I say 'learn to be your beautiful self' I am simply saying get to know yourself well enough so that you can tap in to the part of you that you and others love so much!
You were not born in to this world with limiting thoughts or beliefs about yourself. You created that! Everyone does. For some reason we find it easier to do this. We are in a culture where we think other people are beautiful, successful and special, when in fact...You are too! What we tend to do is feed our mind with constant labels, 'oh I am always clumsy', 'I'm not sexy', 'I am always going to be fat'. What is interesting about these labels is that the more you believe in them the more it will be part of your reality. So why not feed your mind with something more positive and what you want.
We are an interesting species who, on one hand should not take ourself too seriously but on the other hand there is a need to understand ourselves and be the powerful driving force in making positive transformations in our life.
So although I like the idea of not taking myself too seriously (if you know me then you see this often enough) I know how important it is to 'get' who I am. However a lot of us don’t do this at all and we shrug ourself off a lot. The idea of thinking about ourself would seem ‘selfish’. The idea of being ‘selfish’ usually gives us a negative feeling and makes us feel bad. How absurd is that! I mean how will YOU know how to be of any use to anyone if YOU do not know who YOU are and understand why YOU do the things you do.
So although being 'selfish' is frowned upon I know that thinking about your needs is fundamental in understanding the needs of others.
See how you can contribute to your life and to the lives of others in a positive way by working on yourself.
Note to self: Get to know you, be an authentic you! Free you mind and see your true potential!
What you can do:
1. Be honest with yourself. How would you describe yourself? Complete this sentence. I am...
2. Write a list of what you think are your strengths and weaknesses.
3. Think about your attitude to your life. What contributions do you make in your life and to the lives of others? (you may want to put these in two columns: Positive and Negative)
4. Now reflect: What insights are you getting about the person that you are? Could you change your attitude to situations around you? Could you finally let go of your hang ups?
What steps could you take to be your beautiful self today?