Monday, 29 September 2014

Move towards joy!

Move towards joy!

Know that it is FINE to have this approach in life. Move towards those things that bring you happiness, love, smiles and laughter. These feelings are precious and do wanders for our entire well being. It can be forgotten by us in an instant when we continue to allow our conscious mind to feed us with the ifs and buts and the stories and the legacy's.

If you need an answer to what to do next and feeling a little stuck from something troubling your mind moving towards joy could be it!

This was a statement someone said to me at a time I needed guidance. I needed someone to just look me in the eye and tell me to move on, that all I could do now was find my joy. It may work for you too.

Friday, 26 September 2014

A reminder for my fellow teachers...

Enjoy your life. Live it!

This is dedicated to all my fellow teachers out there. 

It can be easy to forget that YOU matter too. You focus on others all day and having to take work home means it never really ends. You may find yourself at home feeling like you have been depleted of all your energy and feel like there isn't much space for anything else. 

Whatever you feel about teaching/working know that it is YOUR life. Life has many aspects to it, do not lose your focus on creating a life that, yes includes a career but most importantly includes happiness and good health. You know what will make you happy. Focus on that. 

Teaching duties will never end so you have to make it work for you. Make sure you set time to do other things you love. Live your life and make sure you do not sacrifice the happy, soulful individual that you are.

I have been there. Have a fabulous weekend!

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Praise your achievements!

Praise your achievements! Do not doubt them.

You have made achievements and succeeded and yet you do not see this. Recognise them and acknowledge how far you have come. Once you have digested this go grab some more! 

Doubt will always try and take that sense of accomplishment from you. When it does tell it where to go and use the 'but I could still do this or that...' as inspiration to go do more.  

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Reach for your own success

Reach for your own success everyday. Soon you won't be able to stop yourself!

Something great happens when you set yourself on your true path. You begin to crave for what you know works. Remember to look out for the small successes because they will lead you to the bigger ones

Monday, 22 September 2014


'Praising others will not make you any less skillful,

beautiful or intelligent. Letting ego get in the way will 

limit you!

Spread some love'

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Hanging with 'Me'!

When you have time to contemplate and free yourself from pressure, tiredness and stress you allow creativity to flow, ideas start to come to you and you realise that when you give yourself the love and attention it needs you gain more.

Hanging with 'Me' in London #1 and #2:
So the pics show breakfast for one in the wonderful Beyond Retro cafe in my home town Hackney, I then had a meeting in London Bridge and discovered a cool pink chair that had HLC written all over it. I walked down towards St Pauls, went to One New Change shopping center rooftop to meditate a little...ahhh London in the morning is great! 

...I had lunch at #Pho, love the food there. Walked towards the #tate and went into the free #banksidegallery. Went to #waterloo had a frozen yogurt from #snog (loved the van!) and came across what I can only describe as inspirational. 

It was a series of photographs by Carol Allen Storey of the Amahoro generation in #Rwanda who speak of the genocide. What was inspirational was that even those who have watched their own families die or even if their fathers were perpetrators of this violence, with the help of International Alert with their peace building project these young people have a new sense of hope and peace for the future. Amazing work! Go and see this!

This is an example of a better way...without this hope what might these young people be doing or thinking?

Make sure you take some time out! Have a great weekend!

Friday, 19 September 2014

Hope for another way

I hope we are always reminded of another way to live our lives. 

If we give in to social, work or family pressure then we can never create a better life. If we never speak up no one will know what is and isn't working. There is no need for any more silence. There is no need to just shrug our shoulders and tell others that is just the way. There can be and must be another way. Even though some things can seem certain and fixed when you see something to be unfair and against your own principles then have no fear, be true to yourself and say it how it is.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Believe in dreams

Believe in DREAMS
Even when something may seem out of this world why not dream about it? I would rather dream of beautiful possibilities that create a beautiful world for me and others than believe in other peoples fears of 'dreams being just that...dreams'. Settling for what you can only see limits you. Dreaming, visualising and creating a life you love has no limits.

Visualising your dream will guide you closer to them. One day you will look back and realise it all started with a beautiful dream you once had.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014


Hope is an invisible friend...
Lost hope? We have all heard of this and felt it, right? We especially feel this when we feel we have tried everything and nothing has changed. It may even be something that is happening around you such as poverty, war, death, illness, choices of others etc that you can not control but somehow are entangled in it. 

Although feeling hopeless is a natural feeling after trying our best and feeling like we are not getting anywhere, losing hope is like losing our will to continue. This can never be a good thing. No doubt it is hard to be human and manage complex emotions during difficult times. Sometimes life hits us with quite a few blows and we can get caught up in it. An awareness of 'self' may well help us to understand these situations, change our perspective on them and continue loving, hoping and living even despite the 'hopeless' situations we find ourselves in. 

Despite having plans, achieving goals and moving forward, hope will come in very handy when things get too much and changes arise without our consent. Hold on to hope during these times.

Hope is like an invisible friend holding our hand and telling
us something better is around the could even be telling us that life is and will be absolutely amazing. Hold on to hope.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Hopes and dreams

Hopes and dreams. 

They are yours and they are precious...just like you.  Do not allow others to sway you from your path, make you feel guilt or not respect what you want. 

Hope, dream and create the life you want. You can see it, you know what it means to you. No one can really understand what you want, know how important something could be for you. So live your life and no one else's. Let go of others judgement of what they perceive to be true. 

You are great. Your dreams are awesome and can never be taken from you. Something that is within your being can never be silenced, dissolved or changed. DREAM and DREAM BIG. You are that great and that important, I promise you. 

Peace and love.

Saturday, 13 September 2014

All about 'heart'

I have been focusing on the topic of 'listening, trusting and following your heart'. This is very important to me and HLC is really all about the heart and finding our truth in the things we do. Although I do love our mind, it can get in the way of doing what we really want to do because we question everything many times, we allow fear and our limiting self-beliefs to judge us, ridicule our ideas and think it was a crazy idea in the first place. I have usually been told that it is our heart that can get in the way. I guess it depends on how you view your heart and its role in your life.

Understanding the role of both your mind and heart, knowing how it works, what makes them tick and identifying where the weakness may lie will get you using these two beauties better. For instance, training our mind to see things differently, gently opening our perspective on those things that make us uncomfortable (but that we want to experience) and be in control of our mind as oppose to it controlling us is fundamental in living our life without fear and constant anxiety.

I feel (and I guess this is personal to me) that many of life's matters can be solved using our heart. Yes there are some things which of course will require us to use our heads and rationalise the options. But ultimately we still make choices based on how we 'feel' about it. Call it your heart or intuition. This is the heart that I am talking about. Tapping in to this powerful tool will be useful in getting us to unchain ourselves from the experiences we don't like.

'Feeling' is underrated in our society.

It will always amaze me and I will keep going on about the fact that when you set an intention for yourself and follow your heart and those 'feelings' you have about your life you will start seeing things unfold in front of you the way you need and want them to. When you say 'I am positive, I know how to love, I know who I am' or you may be saying 'I have no idea what is going on', 'I do not trust people', 'I don't know what I want', ' I never find what I am looking for' etc if you take a step back you will notice that life will keep giving you what you expect it to. You will still be that person. You will still be doing that job. You will still be in that relationship. You will still get hurt by others. Nothing changes unless you do.If you like where you are then keep doing what you do. It goes both ways. 

Although we may have a positive intention for truth it may not give us sunshine and rainbows but it will lead us to OUR truth and the life that we need. It can be hard. It can throw some major curve balls at us but we will be stronger than ever, more clear and focused, living an honest life filled with the abundance that we need.

Friday, 12 September 2014

Life purpose = Being your true self

Day 5: Life purpose = Being your true self
When you are true to yourself and authentic you will uncover possibilities your mind was limited to see. This authenticity will be what guides you to live your life purpose and consequently get you loving your life (even with all it's struggles). One thing I am sure you will gain is FOCUS...the type of focus that you will appreciate having and not let anyone get in the way of! 

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Life purpose = Loving your life

Day 4: Life purpose = Loving your life
When you live a life you love you are most probably living your life purpose. Yes, you may face challenges and struggle (this is of course, life) but despite these challenges you will know this is where you belong. Even within the chaos you will find that the journey you are on is the one for you. More than likely you may feel like it was something you had consciously chosen to fulfill as opposed to something you fell in to.

Find it, live it and love it! 

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

How will you live your life purpose?

Day 3: When you understand your role on this planet, life just gets better, you feel more powerful and your focus is clearer. This becomes a natural motivator for you to move forwards.

Write the answers to these questions down to get inspired by your true potential!

What is your purpose in LIFE?
How will you make sure you are living your life purpose?
What have you done/ will you do to invest in your life purpose? 

Hope this helps! ;)

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Why have a life purpose?

Day 2: When we have 'purpose' or 'meaning' in our life we start being more focused and determined. 

For example, you go to work and have tasks you need to fulfil, right? Imagine you went to work and there were no tasks, goals or deadlines. 

What would you do? 
- Do something you like/want/need to do.
- Have a party.
- Be totally bored.
- Walk around the office chatting to people.
- Wonder what on earth you are doing there.

Whatever you choose you will try to find something purposeful or meaningful otherwise you may end up feeling like you’re wasting your time. Sure, you may get paid but can you honestly say you would be fine without the need to have a focus? What would be the point in just waiting to go home? Life will become pretty dull. 

Your life purpose: 
  • Will give you a focus and be a motivator for you to move forward.
  • Create new opportunities and possibilities.
  • Positively change your outlook on life, yourself, others and the impact you can make on the world. Yes THINK BIG!
  • Can potentially make you feel freer, happier and so much more fulfilled!

Not sure what yours is? 
- Write a list of things you love to do, those things that really touch your heart, sends adrenaline pumping around your body and makes you feel like ‘this is the life’.
- Have a look at your list, make connections to the points and summarise what they have in common.

Ultimately only you know what it is, it has always been there you just have to encourage it to show itself to you! 
Go live your life purpose and smile, laugh and have fun while you are doing it! 

Monday, 8 September 2014

Find your purpose and focus on it!

Day 1 Hold on to your 'purpose' or goal
We can find ourselves knowing our purpose and despite putting things into action we may well find that our progress can get slower and even become a little stagnant. This is life. This is the way the journey is. Do what you must now but keep your eye on your purpose because it is easy to let it go and just make do with what life throws at you. Encourage yourself to keep your eye on the bigger picture.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Listen, trust and follow your heart.

HLC's thought for today: Listening, trusting and following your heart as well as your intuition will lead you to a happier place. 

Living with heart and love and following this path is no weak business. It is hard, challenging and exposes us to outside elements. For instance even our family and friends who will have their own judgement about what they think we should do with our life. 

Following our hearts and/or what we call our gut instinct/intuition may require us to shift our perspective and get us out of our comfort zone. 

Through the process of listening to, trusting and following our heart we may well find our place in the world that is FREE from living in constant anxiety, wanting to be liked and battling between who we are, who we think we should be and who others want or expect us to be. 

Listen, trust and follow your own heart! You have the answers too, better still you have the answers that are right for you. Stop following someone else's.

Now watch yourself grow!