Saturday, 28 March 2015
Sunday reminder: Happiness is...
Happiness is a way of choose how it will look in yours.
Make choices today that bring a smile to your face, brings a lightness to your heart and a sense of 'it's all good' ;).
Take a few minutes right now, close your eyes, breath deeply and remind yourself of what it is that gets you feeling fuzzy, happy and completely joyful right this second. is the bit we forget...Go do it, create it or recreate it! It is your life so stop waiting for anyone to come and give it to you. Happiness comes from within as we are all unique only you know what makes you happy.
Have a lovely Sunday wherever you are, whatever stage you are in your life and know that everything is possible despite how we perceive our life or the world. It can be even better then it is right now. Know that and let happiness in.
Always with Love xx
Monday, 23 March 2015
The Happiness Club, Singapore, 2015: Giving
"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions"
Dalai Lama
I thought, a happiness club? Why not? It sounds right up my street. Although I am on the other side of the world far away from friends who would join me (just so you know, I moved to Singapore a few months ago) it felt like a good opportunity to connect with those who I have met and get to know a few more people while putting what I have been trying to promote to the test.
In preparation for our first session and out of my need to make sure I understood what happiness meant to me I wanted to do a little recap. Sounds funny right? Surely, I know what it means, don't we all?
Defining happiness
Merriam Websters Dictionary outlines the following definition for happiness.
- the state of being happy
- an experience that makes you happy
The Oxford dictionary also defines it as the 'state of being happy'.
Sounds about right. However I do wonder how many of us experience happy states. At times we see 'happy days/moments/years' as something that will be achieved in the future, when we get that perfect job, salary, house, partner, baby, holiday, car, dress etc. We may think happiness is just around the corner or when we reach a certain goal. How many of us realise and are aware of the happy moments we have now? Do we take them for granted?
Is being 'happy' every other day enough for us to say we are happy?
How many happy moments do we even need to experience in order to be able to say "I have happiness in my life"?
We can be happy one minute and sad the next so the state of being happy can be fleeting and based on whether the experiences are 'happy' ones. Is happiness constant or dependent on what is happening around us and to us? Or is happiness simply a state of mind which can be controlled?
If this is the case, what can we do about it? Well we could recognise when we are not happy and find things to get us back to being in a happier state. But what happens when something traumatic occurs in our this the exception?
More than likely happiness is knowing that life has unhappy moments that need to run their course and does not mean we have failed in anyway. Surely there is happiness in knowing we do not need to have 'perfection'.
Maybe we just need to change the idea we have about happiness in to what makes us happy and stop comparing ourselves to the next 'happier' person.
I am sure the philosopher, Ralph Waldo Emerson got it right when he said "Some pursue happiness - others create it". This is ultimately the purpose of The Happiness Club. It is about creating happiness using the 10 keys and seeing how affective they are. It will also be a lovely way to remind us of the happiness we already have in our lives. So our journey begins...
As a preliminary task and one we could always revisit I asked the group to write what happiness means to them. The task seems easy to do but surprisingly we found it difficult to pinpoint what it was that brought us happiness straight away. Here is our board of happiness so far. Is being 'happy' every other day enough for us to say we are happy?
How many happy moments do we even need to experience in order to be able to say "I have happiness in my life"?
We can be happy one minute and sad the next so the state of being happy can be fleeting and based on whether the experiences are 'happy' ones. Is happiness constant or dependent on what is happening around us and to us? Or is happiness simply a state of mind which can be controlled?
If this is the case, what can we do about it? Well we could recognise when we are not happy and find things to get us back to being in a happier state. But what happens when something traumatic occurs in our this the exception?
More than likely happiness is knowing that life has unhappy moments that need to run their course and does not mean we have failed in anyway. Surely there is happiness in knowing we do not need to have 'perfection'.
Maybe we just need to change the idea we have about happiness in to what makes us happy and stop comparing ourselves to the next 'happier' person.
I am sure the philosopher, Ralph Waldo Emerson got it right when he said "Some pursue happiness - others create it". This is ultimately the purpose of The Happiness Club. It is about creating happiness using the 10 keys and seeing how affective they are. It will also be a lovely way to remind us of the happiness we already have in our lives. So our journey begins...
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"Happiness is this" board |
The Happiness Club launches with a cheesecake!
Our first session began well before it was meant to. My friend Maria came to teach me how to make her yummy cheese cake. She kindly gave up her afternoon (something we reminded her during the session as an example of her giving) to purchase ingredients and come over to mine so that we could make a cheese cake for the group to enjoy at the end of our session.
There were 5 of us at our first session and because everyone came ahead of time there was no need to break the ice before I delved into reading the first article. Below are the questions we answered and a quick note on what we shared.
1. What have you done recently for others? How did it make you feel?
As we searched our brains for a recent memory of 'giving' we realised that this is one of our problems, we forget what we do for others! Many of us simply do things and do not think about whether we are giving someone something or not.
This is what eventually came up:
- volunteering for the Red Cross.
- being part of a Mexican community project.
- helping a taxi driver reach his destination by showing him the way using google maps on her phone
- setting up an exhibition in Singapore to celebrate the works of artists in Barcelona
- taking time to make cheese cake for the group
- being understanding and giving to our partners who are working over time
- picking up a bag that had fallen for a man in need
- giving a friend your hairband to fix her broken flip flop
- asking a girl looking lost if she needs help and walking her to her destination (it was a 15 minute walk!)
The member who mentioned this last example explained this had happened to her and she remembered feeling very grateful for the help. This made her sympathise with the girl she had helped.
I wonder whether this made her more inclined to help? Or would she of done this regardless whether or not someone did this for her?
Do you find yourself thinking: They have helped me so I should do the same or because no one helps me I am not helping them? I guess it is something to think about.
Some of the acts of kindness above are extremely small and others serve a greater purpose. Either way the result of giving any of these things to another person brings a smile, laughter, a connection and a feeling of being cared for - all things that make us feel happy.
2. When have you felt resentful when you've been giving? Why was that, do you think?
We thought of times when family/close friends have not appreciated our efforts of giving which left some feeling they had been betrayed.
Most of us are here because of our partners career so resentment could make its way to the surface if we feel our efforts and role are not being acknowledged. One way we have actually prevented it occurring and it turning into a big issue is by meeting up at least once a week to either exercise, explore the city or just hang out together.
3. Can you remember the last time that someone gave to you unconditionally and how did that make you feel?
Many of us thought of our parents. They have helped some of us professionally, doing favours constantly, being ready almost on demand to help us out. Others thought of how our partners have helped on days when we felt run down or frustrated despite their long day at work.
4. How easy or difficult do you find it to ask for or receive help?
We agreed that it was easier to accept help if it was being offered to us. Asking for help was a little bit more difficult due to past experiences we have had that involved asking for help which backfired on us. For instance, some people have lost friends after asking them for help, others experienced uncomfortable situations as those who said they would help became resentful. It has left a feeling that it is better to do things for yourself.
5. Our 5 different ways to give easily
We found this difficult as what we came up with involved us interacting with others. Some of us spend time at home studying or working and the thought of having to give daily (that didn't involve our partners) may have sent anxiety levels rising. We imagined ourselves running outside looking for an elderly lady needing help crossing the road or jumping on the MRT and giving up a seat to someone only for them to dismiss us which would mean we would have to beg them to sit just so we could 'give' to someone!
We decided to set an achievable time scale such as giving weekly or monthly so that we do not have to change the group name to The (Un)happiness that would be just too sad.
Here are our goals for this month!
The Happiness Club Goals: Giving
To recycle
To give to charity (either online, street donation or as a volunteer)
To greet our partner with a more positive attitude when they get home
To donate blood to the Red Cross
To practise small acts of kindness weekly (helping someone carry their shopping, walking across the road, giving up a seat, smiling more, being polite etc)
You can also find this post and as well as others from here:
Tuesday, 10 March 2015
Shine your light!
Believe in the crazy, weird, over excited, awkward, loud, shy, extrovert, introvert, funny, dry, chilled out, serious emotional, cool, badass woman that makes you unique!
You have a purpose my dear!
Shine your light!
Although we like to define ourselves with the labels above we must remember that these are just labels, words which we place too much importance on. I am sure you have noticed that one week you may be the confident, outspoken one and the next, you may want to be a recluse? Or is that just me? ;)
Too many women fear that being a certain way is a bad thing. If you think it is and you want to change it, you can. It is your choice.
We all put ourselves down, some more then others, comparing ourself to each other and setting a standard that does not exist. The only standard you have and should follow is the one you give yourself, the one that speaks true to you. What is yours?
All that matters is how you see yourself and what you are telling yourself. Are you being loving to the one person who will change your world?
If not, then stop putting yourself down. I am sure others who know you will tell you that the quality which you think is not that great is actually what makes you so wonderful and YOU.
Our potential is beyond our comprehension. As life unfolds and we are challenged, having to face our fears we see a new layer of ourselves come to light and we surprise ourselves with what we find. So stop worrying, be who you are today and tomorrow will come, a new day, a new way and always the possibility (if you want) for a transformed you.
Monday, 9 March 2015
The Woman who Knows
It was International Women's day yesterday and a lovely time to remember how far women have had to come in order for us to live the life we have today. It was a time to congratulate and praise women for their achievements and the role we play in each others life as well as acknowledge the support we receive from the men in our lives. It is also a time to raise awareness of issues women continue to face around the world today. Because there is always so much more that we can do.
Todays post can not cover all the above, but simply speak of The Woman who Knows, of what real beauty in a woman means to me and the sisterhood that we could create to help transform our communities.
Celebrating each other
Celebrating each other as the women we are can happen every day in our lives and when we look closely we will see that we are already surrounded by many positive connections which we take for granted. Awareness and gratitude of this will surely warm your heart. A conversation with a colleague or friend, a meal with the women in our family, a girly shopping trip, a contagious giggle, a shoulder to cry on, an encouraging smile. Sisterhood and connection is constant.
I have so many sisters in the world who are very different to me. It is not about us being the same but about us 'seeing' each other for who we are, loving and accepting one another and working with what wonderfulness we already have. When I think about sisterhood with more focus and for a greater good I instinctively know this can be powerful.
Women do not need to conform to an ideal that has been engineered by men. This is ridiculous. Women need to continue to connect with each other and acknowledge what is within their true nature. So let us make it clear in our heads...
Beauty and self-image
Beauty is not just the girl with the flat stomach, the good skin, the curved figure, the blonde or brunette, the long haired, the short haired, the trend setter, the girly girl, the popular girl, the career woman, the working mum, the western girl, the city girl, the white girl, the non-religious girl, the 'abled' girl or the young girl.
Beauty is all those girls BUT also the stay at home mum, the big girl, the shy one, the girl with bad skin, the loner, the gardener, the one who knits, the tomboy, the skateboarder, the engineer, the teacher, the plumber, the dancer, the scholar, the politician, the activist, the older one, the frail one, the 'weird' one, the vegan, the deaf girl, the blind girl, the Indian, Cambodian, Taiwanese, Chinese, Korean, Indonesian, Thai, Bengali, Pakistani, Mexican, Californian, Kazakstani, Croatian, Polish, German, Italian, Spanish, English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, French, Swedish, Norwegian, Greek, Cypriot, Turkish, Kenyan, Ghanaian, Egyptian, Iranian, Jamaican, Nigerian, American, Brazilian, the hippie, the Muslim, the Christian, the Jew, the Hindu, the Buddhist, the Atheist... I think you get my point.
Beauty is YOU.
It is your smile, your walk, the way you laugh, the way you cry, your feelings, your expressions, what you say, how you say it, how you feel and what you do. It is your heart and soul. This is your essence, your real beauty. Believe in it and do not be afraid to share it. Women forget this. Well, we know how to share our outer beauty well because we live in a world that focuses only on that. Of course our bodies are these wonderful vessels which we should cherish but our minds are the most powerful part of us that needs to be expressed. It is with our mind that people connect with not our bodies, despite the hype we constantly see of the 'perfect' girl. An intelligent, strong, confident and inspiring woman is just that no matter what shape or form she comes in.
No doubt, as do men, women love to feel accepted, loved, appreciated and adored. But sometimes we seek these things in the wrong places, often waiting for others to validate what we should know but have forgotten.
The written piece below is for all of us who forget and who need reminding of what we and other women are about. It is for us to remember that whoever we are, whatever we look like, wherever we are from and whatever we believe in...
We are beauty. If we can see this in each other the world can be a more loving place. If others can see it, then great. Ultimately if you believe in it and feel your beauty this is all that really matters. You will naturally shine and you will be infectious!
This is an expression of how I felt a while back. It is for those who are not 'seen' in the work place, at home or in their communities for the amazing beings that they are. It is about our instinct, intuition, heart and spirit. It is about experiencing pain and overcoming it. The words flowed strongly at that time and think this is a good time to share it.
The Woman who Knows
A real woman knows. She always knows because she can feel it. She is a lifeline, a peace giver, she is a protector who has been mistreated, misunderstood, mistaken and ridiculed.
It is from her you once came. She deserves your respect.
Honour her,
her body and
keep all women safe.
Without women, the feminine nature may well be forgotten. If it is forgotten who will you come to for a helping hand, a creative idea. Where will you rest your head at night, feel the warmth of her love and hear the sweet words she mutters to you, soothing your soul. She is the encourager, the motivator, the reminder of all things feminine and the loving one.
She is not ignorant to the fact that we are all on different paths learning lessons at different times so she encourages herself to leave it and let go of the frustration she feels sometimes when she notices that the opposite of love is being projected to her.
We are who we are, She is who she is, so you embrace it or not. If you do not, that is also fine. The truth is no woman needs others around her who can not see her essence. Ironically you remind her of who she truly is and who she does not want to be.
The Woman who Knows has no need for you to like the authentic and strong person that she is because you may not be able to comprehend what it means to be mindful in this way.
The Woman who Knows knows the journey she makes and values the whole of her being. She is not just the stories she tells herself. She is not just the image she projects to the world. She is more than this. She is a beautiful spirit entwined in this human experience. A woman's nature does not need to be tamed because it will always call to her, from her inner being, to rise up, to be who she was meant to be.
The Woman who Knows stands strong in the wind, her hair flowing, becoming tangled symbolising the paths she had experienced previously. She is patient, she can do this, she has done it before, untangling the knots and untangling life's difficulties one at a time.
The Woman who Knows chooses to be herself because it creates happiness in her heart and for her loved ones. Her hope is always love for everyone. Only a bitter woman does not want goodness to shine through. Our true nature is not bitter. But sometimes we forget. Sometimes it may have gotten too much for us.
She knows the path can be hard and some people do not see her for what she is. Her potential is greatness and her essence is more beautiful than she can ever imagine.
She is impenetrable, so stop trying to break her. It can never work. What a simple and elementary statement yet it is always surprising when others persist. Even when you see her laying on the ground, at her lowest, be sure she will rise up, be stronger and will walk away from those who can not see her for the rare diamond that she is.
When you see her beauty and aching for the same realness and self love that inhabits her being then maybe you too will begin to know what The Woman who Knows has realised.
No one said the journey will be easy, but it will be worth it.
The Woman who Knows stands strong in the wind, her hair flowing, becoming tangled symbolising the paths she had experienced previously. She is patient, she can do this, she has done it before, untangling the knots and untangling life's difficulties one at a time.
The Woman who Knows chooses to be herself because it creates happiness in her heart and for her loved ones. Her hope is always love for everyone. Only a bitter woman does not want goodness to shine through. Our true nature is not bitter. But sometimes we forget. Sometimes it may have gotten too much for us.
She knows the path can be hard and some people do not see her for what she is. Her potential is greatness and her essence is more beautiful than she can ever imagine.
She is impenetrable, so stop trying to break her. It can never work. What a simple and elementary statement yet it is always surprising when others persist. Even when you see her laying on the ground, at her lowest, be sure she will rise up, be stronger and will walk away from those who can not see her for the rare diamond that she is.
When you see her beauty and aching for the same realness and self love that inhabits her being then maybe you too will begin to know what The Woman who Knows has realised.
A sisterhood is already here, waiting to transform the world. To remind us that women do not need to be more of a 'man' to change the world, but they just need to be themselves, in this moment, to shine their light without fear and connect with each other positively.
LOVE is the only way for great happiness to unfold daily in our lives. When there is no love there is no happiness. Women with women and women with men must work together, play together and love each other. Sisters, brothers, lovers and friends. Whatever your connection listen to each other, understand and respect the differences that lies in us all.Then move forward together to create a new breed of boys and girls who will become the men and women they were meant to be, real men and real women who will see each other with love, respect and deep admiration for their role and purpose here on this earth. No one said the journey will be easy, but it will be worth it.
Friday, 6 March 2015
"I have nothing in my head!"
"I have nothing in my head!"
So this is what I am actually experiencing right now. If I am preaching about authenticity I need to be just that, authentic. So here I go...
Notice the faint colour of this statement. Let us leave it this way. If we are stuck we want it to be weak, faint and a fleeting feeling that does not need to occupy our space for longer then it needs to especially if it has not served us well.
Right now I sit in my new home in Singapore on my laptop with a lack of inspiration. I do this nearly every week day and apart from applying for jobs I sit here with the intention to write and inspire. Today I decided that because I have had enough of sitting and not posting anything I have written (because in all honesty it never felt good enough) I have decided to present to you the real picture of what I am experiencing and maybe or most probably you will be thinking, yes that sounds familiar to something that you do.
Right now I sit in my new home in Singapore on my laptop with a lack of inspiration. I do this nearly every week day and apart from applying for jobs I sit here with the intention to write and inspire. Today I decided that because I have had enough of sitting and not posting anything I have written (because in all honesty it never felt good enough) I have decided to present to you the real picture of what I am experiencing and maybe or most probably you will be thinking, yes that sounds familiar to something that you do.
The monster we create
Having a lack of ideas and difficulty to write just gets fuelled by the way I have been viewing it. When we feel defeated we become defeated and give defeat more power.
You see, we are personally responsible for allowing this feeling of 'being stuck' to slowly creep in and enter our lives. Of course it would seem natural after making a big change and moving to another country. But we shall leave excuses and reasons to the side for now.
No doubt this feeling seems to have turned in to an actual living being for me. Like a harmless lethargic monster it has made itself comfortable, grown into a beast and has taken over a whole part of my mind and as a result, my actions.
Having a lack of ideas and difficulty to write just gets fuelled by the way I have been viewing it. When we feel defeated we become defeated and give defeat more power.
You see, we are personally responsible for allowing this feeling of 'being stuck' to slowly creep in and enter our lives. Of course it would seem natural after making a big change and moving to another country. But we shall leave excuses and reasons to the side for now.
No doubt this feeling seems to have turned in to an actual living being for me. Like a harmless lethargic monster it has made itself comfortable, grown into a beast and has taken over a whole part of my mind and as a result, my actions.
Today I decided I will give it a moment to shine. I am embracing the annoying and unpleasantness of being stuck because once it has been written about I can move forward. Eventually things dissipate, transform or be released in to the atmosphere. Whichever way we describe it this is not a state that will get us doing the things we need to do so we need to get it moving!
We know change can be hard and feeling 'stuck' happens to us all the time. There is no point dwelling on it. I have done that too much, staring at my laptop, writing, deleting, writing again, time still moving forward and feeling like I can not keep up. It can become endless and a serious problem.
If you are not going with the momentum of change there will inevitably be stagnation. A standstill. A feeling of being lost.
Fo things to shift we usually have to make decisions and stick with them wholeheartedly until the next sign for change shows up. But feelings and emotions are important and have their purpose. They are there for a reason but ultimately with some strength and persistence you can tell them who is the boss and get back on track. They remind you of what you don't want to be doing and get you doing what you must.
When you lose your eye on your goals and your purpose
don't expect great things to happen. BUT, when you focus on your goals and remember your purpose be sure to expect greatness!
Here are HLC's top tips on getting ourselves out of the 'rut'.
Fo things to shift we usually have to make decisions and stick with them wholeheartedly until the next sign for change shows up. But feelings and emotions are important and have their purpose. They are there for a reason but ultimately with some strength and persistence you can tell them who is the boss and get back on track. They remind you of what you don't want to be doing and get you doing what you must.
When you lose your eye on your goals and your purpose
don't expect great things to happen. BUT, when you focus on your goals and remember your purpose be sure to expect greatness!
Here are HLC's top tips on getting ourselves out of the 'rut'.
1. Feel.
Sit with the feelings of being 'stuck'. Really feel all of it and talk to someone about it.
Sit with the feelings of being 'stuck'. Really feel all of it and talk to someone about it.
2. Take note on what you are doing in your day.
Ask yourself, did I have time to do more? How am I making use of my free time? This may surprise you and give you a reality check.
3. Remind yourself of You.
Who are you? What are you about? Remind yourself of what you stand for and what you dream and hope for. This may be hard at first if you have been stuck in what felt like an abyss of frustration so be kind to yourself, it will come. Slowly but surely, gently ease yourself back to You.
4. What do you really want to do?
Focus on what you want to do as opposed to what you think you should be doing. This is important. So although I feel that I need to post regularly I have felt like just shutting myself off and instead, swimming daily, seeing this new city and connecting with others. Do that if you must. There is a reason the universe is pushing you to stop. Take that break.
5. Love yourself.
Are you being loving? Chances are love has left the building when all these changes happened and it left you with feelings of inadequacies. Wake your inner spark and visually send it through your body to your heart and mind. Make this your ritual.
6. Have no fear.
There is a reason why this is happening just as there are reasons why you declined a good job offer because it just didn't feel right only to be offered something that was even better and more in line with what you needed. This can be used for anything in life, and we usually only realise this in hindsight. We think, now I know why that didn't work out or that it took me this long or that I had to do it that way. If you act in fear chances are you will make decisions you regret later on.
7. Be inspired but take action.
Inspiration will come, but do not wait for it. Just start doing, take action and know that sometimes you have to just get on with things.
On that last note and what great timing...not remembering I had made an order for a new Yoga mat and goods I was pleasantly surprised to hear the door bell ring and be given my purchases. So I stopped writing and did 15 minutes of sun salutation and some basic poses. I automatically felt the shift in my body which made me smile and feel blessed for the reminder.
Although I swim, walk a lot and recently playing a bit of basketball these movements are not as affective as being present on my yoga mat, taking my time, breathing, stretching and moving gently. It is the sort of care our bodies need. Like a treat to the spa and getting a massage, the practise of Yoga or any gentle stretching and movement can induce deep relaxation and peace. It can be easy to forget many great things in this fast paced world. It was only 15 minutes but how many of us take that time to move, breath and practise mindfulness?
Writing it out (which served my mind and feelings) and using movement to shift the stagnant energy in my body (which served my mind, body and spirit) seemed to be a wonderful combination in getting myself feeling productive again and slowly but surely reminding me of how to get myself unstuck again.
There is a reason why this is happening just as there are reasons why you declined a good job offer because it just didn't feel right only to be offered something that was even better and more in line with what you needed. This can be used for anything in life, and we usually only realise this in hindsight. We think, now I know why that didn't work out or that it took me this long or that I had to do it that way. If you act in fear chances are you will make decisions you regret later on.
7. Be inspired but take action.
Inspiration will come, but do not wait for it. Just start doing, take action and know that sometimes you have to just get on with things.
8. Move your body.
Shift the energy in your body. Take a walk, do some yoga, martial arts, dance or just stretch a little.
Although I swim, walk a lot and recently playing a bit of basketball these movements are not as affective as being present on my yoga mat, taking my time, breathing, stretching and moving gently. It is the sort of care our bodies need. Like a treat to the spa and getting a massage, the practise of Yoga or any gentle stretching and movement can induce deep relaxation and peace. It can be easy to forget many great things in this fast paced world. It was only 15 minutes but how many of us take that time to move, breath and practise mindfulness?
Writing it out (which served my mind and feelings) and using movement to shift the stagnant energy in my body (which served my mind, body and spirit) seemed to be a wonderful combination in getting myself feeling productive again and slowly but surely reminding me of how to get myself unstuck again.
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