Friday, 6 March 2015

"I have nothing in my head!"

"I have nothing in my head!"

The title of this post is exactly what I said to my boyfriend and it sounded ridiculous as soon as the words came out of my mouth. I sounded like a child. I am sure I felt like one too. I have been wanting to write this for a very long time. It is the truth and being true is what I like to do. Should we refrain from communicating truth because it will not be the kind of thing we are expected to say or be like? No, not in my mind. 

So this is what I am actually experiencing right now. If I am preaching about authenticity I need to be just that, authentic. So here I go...


Notice the faint colour of this statement. Let us leave it this way. If we are stuck we want it to be weak, faint and a fleeting feeling that does not need to occupy our space for longer then it needs to especially if it has not served us well. 

Right now I sit in my new home in Singapore on my laptop with a lack of inspiration. I do this nearly every week day and apart from applying for jobs I sit here with the intention to write and inspire. Today I decided that because I have had enough of sitting and not posting anything I have written (because in all honesty it never felt good enough) I have decided to present to you the real picture of what I am experiencing and maybe or most probably you will be thinking, yes that sounds familiar to something that you do. 

The monster we create
Having a lack of ideas and difficulty to write just gets fuelled by the way I have been viewing it. When we feel defeated we become defeated and give defeat more power. 

You see, we are personally responsible for allowing this feeling of 'being stuck' to slowly creep in and enter our lives. Of course it would seem natural after making a big change and moving to another country. But we shall leave excuses and reasons to the side for now.

No doubt this feeling seems to have turned in to an actual living being for me. Like a harmless lethargic monster it has made itself comfortable, grown into a beast and has taken over a whole part of my mind and as a result, my actions. 

Today I decided I will give it a moment to shine. I am embracing the annoying and unpleasantness of being stuck because once it has been written about I can move forward. Eventually things dissipate, transform or be released in to the atmosphere. Whichever way we describe it this is not a state that will get us doing the things we need to do so we need to get it moving!

We know change can be hard and feeling 'stuck' happens to us all the time. There is no point dwelling on it. I have done that too much, staring at my laptop, writing, deleting, writing again, time still moving forward and feeling like I can not keep up. It can become endless and a serious problem. 

If you are not going with the momentum of change there will inevitably be stagnation. A standstill. A feeling of being lost. 

Fo things to shift we usually have to make decisions and stick with them wholeheartedly until the next sign for change shows up. But feelings and emotions are important and have their purpose. They are there for a reason but ultimately with some strength and persistence you can tell them who is the boss and get back on track. They remind you of what you don't want to be doing and get you doing what you must.

When you lose your eye on your goals and your purpose 
don't expect great things to happen. BUT, when you focus on your goals and remember your purpose be sure to expect greatness!

Here are HLC's top tips on getting ourselves out of the 'rut'.

1. Feel.
Sit with the feelings of being 'stuck'. Really feel all of it and talk to someone about it.

2. Take note on what you are doing in your day. 
Ask yourself, did I have time to do more? How am I making use of my free time? This may surprise you and give you a reality check.

3. Remind yourself of You.
Who are you? What are you about? Remind yourself of what you stand for and what you dream and hope for. This may be hard at first if you have been stuck in what felt like an abyss of frustration so be kind to yourself, it will come. Slowly but surely, gently ease yourself back to You.

4. What do you really want to do?
Focus on what you want to do as opposed to what you think you should be doing. This is important. So although I feel that I need to post regularly I have felt like just shutting myself off and instead, swimming daily, seeing this new city and connecting with others. Do that if you must. There is a reason the universe is pushing you to stop. Take that break. 

5. Love yourself. 
Are you being loving? Chances are love has left the building when all these changes happened and it left you with feelings of inadequacies. Wake your inner spark and visually send it through your body to your heart and mind. Make this your ritual. 

6. Have no fear. 
There is a reason why this is happening just as there are reasons why you declined a good job offer because it just didn't feel right only to be offered something that was even better and more in line with what you needed. This can be used for anything in life, and we usually only realise this in hindsight. We think, now I know why that didn't work out or that it took me this long or that I had to do it that way. If you act in fear chances are you will make decisions you regret later on.

7. Be inspired but take action.
Inspiration will come, but do not wait for it. Just start doing, take action and know that sometimes you have to just get on with things. 

8. Move your body.
Shift the energy in your body. Take a walk, do some yoga, martial arts, dance or just stretch a little. 

On that last note and what great timing...not remembering I had made an order for a new Yoga mat and goods I was pleasantly surprised to hear the door bell ring and be given my purchases. So I stopped writing and did 15 minutes of sun salutation and some basic poses. I automatically felt the shift in my body which made me smile and feel blessed for the reminder. 

Although I swim, walk a lot and recently playing a bit of basketball these movements are not as affective as being present on my yoga mat, taking my time, breathing, stretching and moving gently. It is the sort of care our bodies need. Like a treat to the spa and getting a massage, the practise of Yoga or any gentle stretching and movement can induce deep relaxation and peace. It can be easy to forget many great things in this fast paced world. It was only 15 minutes but how many of us take that time to move, breath and practise mindfulness?

Writing it out (which served my mind and feelings) and using movement to shift the stagnant energy in my body (which served my mind, body and spirit) seemed to be a wonderful combination in getting myself feeling productive again and slowly but surely reminding me of how to get myself unstuck again. 

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